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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I received this email from Jenny regarding your films. Congratulations to Mia, Madeline and Seb.

Students from past Chisholm IDM/ V. Art classes were also selected including Kosar, Raneth and Yvonne.

Unfortunately, The final dvd that FEd square put together had problems with two pieces: Madeline and Seb. These two will be taken out of Fed screening and shown later in the month at Dandenong Drum Theatre and Thomas street. Can Seb and Madeline please provide a Quicktime of these films asap.


Dear all,

I just wanted to update you on the progress being made with the short films submitted for inclusion in the Nocturnal (winter arts program) in Dandenong and concurrently as part of The Light in Winter at Fed Sq.

There was an initial selection process conducted here in Greater Dandenong before the films were submitted for a second selection process at Fed Sq.

The outcome is that the following films have been selected to be screened in June 2011 at the following locations, as part of 'The Light in Winter at Fed Sq' and Dandenong's 'Nocturnal' winter arts program;
randomly on screens throughout Fed Sq including the big screen
nightly at Thomas Street projection space (250 Thomas Street Dandenong)
nightly at Drum Theatre (East facing window in Walker Street Dandenong)

Yvonne Picot
Kosar Majani
Yukiko Michishita
Matt Cole
Nadine Chamas
Mia Lindblom
Madeline Stanton
Sebastian Guzman
Raneth Keo

If you could assist with advising the artists of their successful selection I would be grateful. They are named participating artists in the Dandenong Nocturnal Night Walk catalogue and I can gladly forward copies to each person.

Please contact me with any questions or clarification

Cheers Jenny

Jenny Pemberton Webb
Place Manager
Revitalising Central Dandenong
Fax 9239 5287
PO BOX 200 Dandenong VIC 3175
Available Monday to Thursday

1 comment:

Lozz said...

WOO GO MIA! awesome news! pat yourself on the back miss you deserve it!