Welcome to 2012 - This blog continues as the Advanced Diploma in Creative Project Development

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 3: Hockney, Talking dogs and mixed media

On Monday we introduced the basics of working with the camera including Aperture, shutter speed, f stop, ISO, DOF, RAW, rule of thirds and a slight digression to the golden mean.

With the Hockney assignment we talked about the idea of "Variations of a theme" and continued with the assignment.

Public Art: Discussion using the De Bono's 6 hat theory, some interesting questions such as "If dogs could talk what would change?" If you find yourself looking at problen solving with one approach..this may help you think is a more flexible way.

There is some urgency in developing the proposal for the Nocturnal Project.. Please type up your proposal in Word and email to me asap. The Public Art assignment gives a break down of the headings for the proposal.

Basic demonstration of using drawing materials ..you are asked to develop the drawings as set in the assignment.


NEXT MONDAY: we meet at National gallery of Victoria at 10 am THIS is an ALL DAY EXCURSION PLEASE BRING A CAMERA to complete the second Hockney assignment.

The following Monday (14th March) is a PUBLIC HOLIDAY. NO class.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Amazing Fire Animation!

Week Two: Introduction of Public Art Project.

video installation

It's good to see some of you have started putting together ideas for the 'Fire' Video. Learning to "push" ideas/ concepts takes time so try to keep at it. The ability to problem solve and think with creative solutions impacts on how you look at and live life.

There was a good start with the David Hockney assignment. We will work on this next week.

Make sure you have all your ideas and resources (images) plus art materials for next week. you will need them to develop the MAP assignment.

Please make sure you've read the Student handbook info on Moodle. Please also read the studio etiquette info.