Welcome to 2012 - This blog continues as the Advanced Diploma in Creative Project Development

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Blogs

" Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely" Auguste Rodin
It's good to see some of you have started to write in the blogs. As a form of communication for the class, it already allows for ideas to flow, whether it's about copyright issues or just dealing with the concept of 'being' an artist. Good to see too, that there is an avenue of communication starting between recent graduate digital artists with the new group.
I understand some of the concerns, however, we are here to learn and develop skills as digital artists and using the technology is for most part a good thing. Ideas , creativity, insight are all part of this. These Blogs are about sharing within the Chisholm and immediate digital art community. There are always ways of protecting one's work and I think one has to find a balance. As an artist, being overly protective can also become a negative.
Embracing the concept of being an artist, is for most part a singular journey. Focus on the journey.
'Art is not what you see, but what you make others see'. Degas
Check out the website below.
Sandra is part of an exhibition by CAS "Contemporary by Nature"
opening on Herring Island on the 20 Feb.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The link is dead!

Visual Artist said...

Try clicking twice