The night photography excursion was great fun and I think you got some interesting and successful results. Nice image on Pradnya's blog. I hope you all will post something.
Robert, Lidia, John, Luke, Kristy, Lionel , Sean I haven't seen anything on your blogs for ages??? This is a good opportunity..remember this blogging is part of your assessment.
Best and consistant blogs are Sandra, Pete, James and Pradnya.
Okay but a few more would be good from Alycia, Ben, Kacie and Narmin
We will be doing more of night photography in Sydney so if you can bring a small
LIGHTWEIGHT tripod or even one of those tiny cheap ones at the
reject shop that will help.
For those who didn't get there last night here are some tips:
Use Manual mode
Use Raw
ISO 100 - 400
Must use stable tripod
Take a flash light
Set focus to manual - you may have trouble with focus..use a light source to help focus.
Use the 10sec timer
Set F stop wide F4 etc
Set exosure time 10 secs to 30 secs.
Avoid direct light source especially orange lights.
In winter wear something warm!
Have a spare charged battery, long exposures uses up battery life quickly.
You can adjust image on Photoshop and reveal amazing colours.